We usually go for fine dining for special occasion such as my husband's birthday, my birthday, and my two children birthdays. We also for dining in the restaurant to celebrate my parents' birthdays as well as my parents in laws' birthdays. We believe that birthdays are special occasion to be remembered and enjoyed with your closed ones. We are willing to spend a little bit more for these special dining. There are also other special moments in our lives that call for special celebrations. For example, when my son recently did very well in his junior college's A level examination and he managed to get into a good degree course in our local university, we went to an expensive restaurant to celebrate this joyous occasion. This is also a form of us showing our love to him for all the effort he put in leading to the examination. Recently, we also did some celebratory dinning during the weekend when my son comes back from his in camp training for national service. We want him to feel happy.