Keselamatan merupakan perihal selamat, kesejahteraan atau keamanan. Keselamatan juga bermaksud keadaan terlindungi daripada masalah fizikal, sosial, kewangan, politik, perasaan, pekerjaan, psikologi, pelajaran dan perkara-perkara lain yang melibatkan kerosakan atau kejadian yang tidak diingini manakala makanan merupakan bahan-bahan yang boleh dicerna, biasanya terdiri dari karbohidrat, lemak, air dan protein, yang boleh dimakan atau diminum oleh manusia dan haiwan untuk mendapat nutrien.
Secure, security is about prosperity or peace. Safety also means the State of terlindungi of physical, social, financial, political, feelings, jobs, psychology, education and other matters involving the damage or mishap while food is materials can dicerna, usually composed of carbohydrates, fat, water and protein, which can be eaten or consumed by humans and animals to get nutrients.

Safety is a matter of safety, well-being or safety. Security also means the state is protected from physical problems, social, financial, political, feelings, work, psychology, education and other matters that involve damage or mishap while food is a material that can be ingested, usually consisting of carbohydrates, fat, water and protein, which can be eaten or drunk by humans and animals for nutrition.