We don't really buy much medical or healthcare products and services because we don't really need them that much. However, if you consider honey as a healthcare product, then yes, we buy lots of honey. There are different brands of honey that we go for, such as Evergreen and Bees R Us. However, we will go for the honey with 150+ level Methyl Glyoxal. We believe that honey is something good for our health, especially for my two children. We prefer honey with 150+ level mainly because it will help us to prevent coughing. Another thing about honey which I realised is that it seems to be able to make your breath better. I don't really take supplements but occasionally I go for some iron pill to help me during certain period of the month where I am losing much blood. Other than that we don't really take any health supplements. I believe that we should eat more vegetables and fruits and these are natural products which should be able to provide all the health nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that you need.