Jadi hari saya akan memberikan anda tiga isu yang sangat penting1 baga的英文翻譯

Jadi hari saya akan memberikan anda

Jadi hari saya akan memberikan anda tiga isu yang sangat penting

1 bagaimana untuk mengelakkan kebakaran daripada berlaku

2 apabila kebakaran bagaimana untuk melarikan diri

3 bagaimana kita boleh membetulkan penggunaan peralatan fire-Fighting '

Pertama sekali, kita perlu terlebih dahulu memahami Apakah kebakaran, kebakaran hanya perlu tiga faktor boleh dibentuk adalah oksigen, haba dan bahan api

Kebakaran terbahagi kepada dua

Api yang pertama adalah untuk mencari punca pencucuhan, seperti kerusi, Meja dan sebagainya lihat api tetapi kita manusia mudah untuk kebakaran, tetapi di sisi kami ialah Neraka kemalangan paling biasa. Sekarang saya tanya anda soalan, apabila kami memandu keluar untuk bermain, membawa keluarga keluar bersama-sama. Pertembungan kemalangan secara tiba-tiba, pintu terbuka, dan ditangkap kebakaran. Apa akan anda melarikan diri itu? Jika melarikan diri kunci Sterling dan memecahkan kaca, anda boleh lakukan untuk kereta api? Jadi kita perlu bersedia untuk menyediakan peralatan yang begitu banyak di dalam kereta. Tetapi di sebuah negara asing, yang ada dalam kereta akan perkara-perkara ini di dalam kereta. Adalah alat pemadam kebakaran, alat pemadam kebakaran dan mereka ditempatkan di tempat duduk penumpang Penyambut, mudah untuk mendapatkan.Kedua adalah Penyelamat, mereka akan menerangkan kepada ahli-ahli Apakah penyelamat.

Api kedua adalah Malaysia kami Tempahan bimbang tentang kebakaran, kerana di Malaysia sehingga 80% daripada penyalaan elektrik ahli neraka, begitu mudah untuk mencari. Kualiti peralatan elektrik, punca kebakaran elektrik, kuasa elektrik yang berlebihan. Sekali lagi, bahkan jika anda sekarang menggunakan perkakas, apabila anda melihat kebakaran, anda memadamkan bekalan kuasa, boleh gunakan air untuk memadam? Ini tidak, kerana kawasan Tanah Rizab tersebut adalah dalam kuasa elektrik, dengan mudah membawa kepada mereka sedang electrocuted. Dan Jangan gunakan cadar, jika tidak kebakaran selimut, cadar cenderung untuk menangkap api. Jadi, ia adalah benar bahawa anda perlu tahu bagaimana untuk menggunakan pemadam untuk memadam kebakaran. Merupakan serbuk kering ABC ini.

Tetapi saya ingin bertanya kepada anda dan keluarga anda supaya peralatan elektrik yang banyak, yang telah menyediakan pemadam di rumah Sila menaikkan tangan mereka. Tidak bersedia untuk cuba bayangkan, apabila api adalah kecil, kerana ia tidak akan alat pemadam api, membawa kepada peningkatan kebakaran, dibakar satu rumah dan kemudian boleh tulis di bawah deretan rumah-rumah. Jadi saya nasihatkan semua orang berharap untuk menyediakan sekurang-kurangnya satu pemadam untuk melindungi tanah air kami. Bersetuju?

Inilah serbuk kering ABC. Kesedaran adalah bahawa ia adalah serba guna pemadam, ABC serbuk kering kebakaran boleh menggunakan walaupun tubuh manusia. Seterusnya, saya ingin Terangkan, bagaimana boleh saya yang mengambil pemadam tersebut? Tahu beratnya? Pemadam di luar 9kg, tetapi tidak lagi dimasukkan serbuk Kering, apabila selepas ke dalam tepung yang kering, beratnya 14.5kg. Berfikir tentang hal itu, rumah kami terbakar sekarang, Adakah warga tua atau kecil anak-anak di rumah, mereka mampu untuk mengambil apa-apa berat pemadam pemadam?

Keluarga di sebuah negara asing, mereka bersedia untuk alat pemadam kebakaran, tetapi tidak 14.5kg. Mereka bersedia untuk serbuk kering ABC ini kecil. Ini, hari ini, saya telah membawa anda kepada kursus anda. Beratnya ialah hanya 1kg. Bukan sahaja boleh diletakkan pada kenderaan, kebakaran alat pemadam juga boleh disediakan di rumah. Walaupun ianya kecil, tapi penggunaannya adalah sama, kecuali bahawa 14.5kg 21 saat, kecil 1kg dengan 12 saat. Berdasarkan kepada pengalaman yang dilaporkan, apabila berlaku kebakaran, pemadam kebakaran dalam tempoh 5 saat, masa jika anda tidak boleh memadamkan dalam masa 5 saat, hanya boleh keluar.

Seterusnya bagaimana untuk menggunakan alat pemadam kebakaran, kita panggil ia Pas

1 tarik cincin Keselamatan
2 di sumber api, jarak kira-kira 1-1.5 m
3 Tekan itu pemadam
4 swing dan memadamkan

Perkara yang paling penting adalah bagaimana untuk menyemak di pemadam boleh operasi normal, jika mata jarum pertengahan hijau operasi normal
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
So today I'll give you three very important issues1 how to prevent fires from occurring2 when the fire how to escape3 How can we correct the use of fire-Fighting equipmentFirst of all, we need to first understand what is fire, fire need only three factors can be formed is oxygen, heat and fuelFire is divided into twoThe first is to find a source of ignition, such as chairs, tables and so on see the fire but we humans easy to fire, but we are on the side of the fire accidents most common. Now I ask you a question, when we drove out to play, bringing the family out together. A collision accident suddenly, the door opens, and caught fire. What will you escape it? If escape key Sterling and break the glass, you can do to train? So we should be prepared to provide so much equipment in the car. But in a foreign country, that is in the car going to these things in the car. Are the fire extinguishers, fire extinguishers and they are placed in the passenger seat, Front is easy to get. The second is Rescue, they will explain to members what is the Savior.The second fire was we Most worry about fire, because in Malaysia up to 80% of the electrical ignition of the fire, so easy to find. The quality of electrical appliances, the electrical fire causes, excessive electrical power. Again, even if you use the appliance, when you see fire, you turn off the power supply, can use water to remove? This is not, because the reserve is of electric power, easily lead to them being electrocuted. And do not use sheets, otherwise fire blankets, sheets tend to catch fire. So, it is true that you need to know how to use the eraser to delete fire. Is this ABC powder cleaning.But I would like to ask you and your family so many electrical appliances, which has provided fighting at home Please raise their hands. Not ready to try to imagine, when the fire is small, because it will not fire extinguisher, leading to an increase in fire, burned one House and then can write under a row of houses. So I advise everyone hope to provide at least one fighting to protect our homeland. Agree?This is a dry powder ABC. Consciousness is that it is a multipurpose powder cleaning Eraser, ABC fire can use even the human body. Next, I would like to Explain, how can I take the eraser? Know its weight? Eraser outside 9kg, but no longer included powder Cleaning, when after into the flour a dry, weighs 14.5 kg. Think about it, our House on fire now, Are elderly or small children at home, they are able to take any weight Eraser Eraser?Families in a foreign country, they are ready to fire extinguishers, but not 14.5 kg. They are ready for this small powder cleaning ABC. This, today, I have brought you to your course. Its weight is only 1 kg. Not only can be placed on vehicles, fire extinguishers can also be prepared at home. Even if it is small, but its use is the same, except that the 14.5 kg 21 seconds, small 1 kg with 15 seconds. Based on the reported experiences, in the event of fire, fire extinguishing within 5 seconds, time if you can't turn off within 5 seconds, only to be out.Next how to use fire extinguishers, we call it Passes1 pull the Safety ring2 at the source of fire, a distance of about 1-1.5 m3 press the eraser4 swing and turn offThe most important thing is how to check the eraser can normal operation, if the eye of the needle mid green normal operation
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
So today I'll give you three very important issues 1 how to prevent fires from occurring 2 when fire how to escape 3 how we can correct use of the equipment, fire-fighting First of all, we need to first understand what a fire, the fire is only necessary three factors can be formed is oxygen, heat and fuel fires are divided into two fire the first is to find a source of ignition, such as chairs, tables and so on, but we humans see the fire easier to fire, but on our side is the most common accidents Hell. Now I ask you a question, when we drove out to play, take the family out together. Clash of the sudden accident, the door opened, and caught fire. What will you escape it? If the escape key Sterling and break the glass, you can do to train? So we should be ready to provide equipment that is so much in the car. But in a foreign country, which is in the car will these things in the car. Is a fire extinguisher, a fire extinguisher and they are placed in the front passenger seat, easy to mendapatkan.Kedua is the Savior, they will explain to the members what a lifesaver. Fire The second is our latest Malaysia worried about fires, as in Malaysia until 80 % of electrical ignition of the fire, so easy to find. Quality electrical appliances, electrical fire sources, electric power is excessive. Again, even if you now use the appliance, when you see a fire, you put out the power supply, can use water to wash? This is not, as the Reserve is in electric power, easily lead to them being electrocuted. Do not use sheets and, if not fire blankets, sheets tend to catch fire. So, it is true that you need to know how to use an extinguisher to put out fire. This is a dry powder ABC. But I want to ask you and your family so much electrical equipment, which has been providing fire-break Please raise their hands. Not willing to just imagine, if the fire is small, because it will not be a fire extinguisher, lead to increased fire, burned a house and then can write down a row of houses. So I advise everyone hopes to provide at least one extinguisher to protect our homeland. Agree? This is a dry powder ABC. Awareness is that it is a multi-purpose fire extinguisher, ABC dry powder fire can use even the human body. Next, I want to explain, how can I take the fire extinguisher? Know the weight? 9kg fire extinguisher outside, but not yet put dry powders, when the flour into a dry, weighs 14.5kg. Think about it, our house is on fire now, Are the elderly or small children at home, they are able to take such a heavy fire extinguisher? Families in a foreign country, they are ready for a fire extinguisher, but no 14.5kg. They are ready for this small ABC dry powder. This, today, I have brought you to your course. Weighs only 1kg. Not only can be placed on the vehicle, fire extinguisher can also be prepared at home. Though it is small, but its use is similar, except that the 14.5kg 21 seconds, a small 1kg to 12 seconds. Based on the experience reported, in the event of fire, the fire department in the last 5 seconds, the time when you can not extinguish within 5 seconds, just get out. Next, how to use a fire extinguisher, we call it Pass 1 pull-ring Safety 2 sources of ignition, a distance of about 1-1.5 m 3 Tap the eraser 4 swing and delete the most important thing is how to check the fire extinguisher can be normal operation, if the middle of the green eye of the needle normal operation

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