Dear participants!
Unfortunately, we have to declare the Restart.
Frankly speaking, on November 1 we’ve declared Restart everywhere in other nearby countries: as in Indonesia, as in Hong Kong, after we had cancelled the WWC (withdrawal without confirmation) mode and all other related problems and difficulties. (The system now almost recovered and operates well, everyone is paid and we even pay on debts of old Mavro).
The only country that we didn’t declare the Restart is Malaysia. Because we had very good statistics on that moment in Malaysia and (it looked like) there were many funds. So why did we need to declare restart? Now we can see that all this money were painted. There are no real money at all, no one perform transfers on orders. As you can see it by yourselves.
(What was the purpose of those dishonest participants to perform this huge paint of fake millions, I don’t know, but they did it. By the way , I repeat, only in Malaysia)
All in all there is no other way here.
Therefore, we declare the Restart.
Present (“old”) Mavro are frozen and we set new Mavro, which you may sell or buy on a common basis.
I repeat again, just in case, that all you informed with the risks from the very beginning.
All this news are certainly is deplorable, but not more. There is no tragedy or accidents here. The system will recover very fast, as it had already happened in Hong Kong and Indonesia, and finally it shall operate fine. By the way, we shall first initiate the old debt repayment of the old Mavro (as it took place in the same Indonesia and Hong Kong again, and it is in a full swing now.)
Hope for your understanding, Sergey Mavrodi
P.S. I also think that the Financial Apocalypse is inevitable! We can do a lot.
RESTART28.11.2014Dear participants!Unfortunately, we have to declare the Restart.Frankly speaking, on November 1 we’ve declared Restart everywhere in other nearby countries: as in Indonesia, as in Hong Kong, after we had cancelled the WWC (withdrawal without confirmation) mode and all other related problems and difficulties. (The system now almost recovered and operates well, everyone is paid and we even pay on debts of old Mavro).The only country that we didn’t declare the Restart is Malaysia. Because we had very good statistics on that moment in Malaysia and (it looked like) there were many funds. So why did we need to declare restart? Now we can see that all this money were painted. There are no real money at all, no one perform transfers on orders. As you can see it by yourselves.(What was the purpose of those dishonest participants to perform this huge paint of fake millions, I don’t know, but they did it. By the way , I repeat, only in Malaysia)All in all there is no other way here.Therefore, we declare the Restart.Present (“old”) Mavro are frozen and we set new Mavro, which you may sell or buy on a common basis.I repeat again, just in case, that all you informed with the risks from the very beginning.当然这所有的新闻都是令人遗憾,但不是更多。没有悲剧,也没有意外在这里。系统将恢复非常快,作为它限制已经发生了,Hong 香港和印尼的和最后的它施行罚款。顺便说一句,我们应首先启动旧债务的偿还的老马夫罗 (再次,在相同的印度尼西亚和 Hong 香港发生和现在正是如火如荼)。希望你能理解,谢尔盖 · 马夫罗季P.s.我也认为是不可避免的金融世界末日!我们可以做很多。